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Love & Intimacy

Love & Intimacy workshop

for couples

Experience rich connection & deep intimacy…


Do you need fresh energy in your relationship?

Has your communication become mundane and uninspired?

Are you too overwhelmed and busy to be really present with each other?

Do you sometimes feel misunderstood and that your needs aren’t fully met?


Like a beautiful garden a relationship takes careful tending to really flourish.

But in daily life that’s easier said than done – most people are so busy juggling work and personal life that there’s little time and energy left.

Bad habits can creep in when we move through the days on auto-pilot. Maybe you’re doing less together, feeling less sensual or allowing criticism to creep in…

Many couples are struggling with this – especially after the intensity of the last years.

That’s why Dennis and I felt called to create this workshop together!


We both learned about intimacy and relating on our own journeys – until we met two years ago, recognising each other as Twin Flames.

We’ve learned many tools from Conscious Communication, Authentic Relating to Tantra that help us keep our relationship in balance and move through challenging moments, while feeling deeply bonded and passionately in love.

And we would like to share some of these tools with you – to light up your spark and to enjoy rich connection in your relationship!


On a spiritual level relationships are our greatest teachers.

Our partners often reflect back to us the places where we feel most insecure or wounded. They can trigger unconscious defences. They show us where we need healing to become whole.

That’s why intimacy can feel so scary.

But when we allow ourselves to be seen and met by each other in our vulnerability, we can open our hearts to experience deep love and authentic connection.

Our relationship then becomes a catalyst for incredible healing and spiritual growth.

Join us for this special evening to deepen into love and intimacy.


We’ll gather online from the comfort of our homes – sharing powerful tools and practices to deepen your relationship.

I’m excited to invite you to this workshop –
co-creating with my partner Dennis

Join us if you want to:

  • Understand the qualities of a conscious relationship

  • Communicate your needs clearly so they can be met by your partner

  • Feel more attractive and turned on

  • Give and receive the touch you desire

  • Relight the spark and feel magnetically attracted to each other

You’ll learn powerful tools and practices:

  • Nonviolent communication

  • Active listening

  • Restorative partner yoga

  • Tantric touch

  • Twin heart meditation

Date & Time
Monday 17th October 2022
19.00 - 21.00 (CET)

We will come together online via Zoom.
Please wear something comfortable and bring your journal and a pen.

Book your spots
We will work in an intimate setting – limited spots available.

To join us book your spots here:
(one spot per person)

Love & Intimacy Workshop

For couples

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